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Russian Railways Proposed Creating National Standards for Quantum Technologies

August 25, 2022, 13:44 (UTC+3)|

Russian Railways has proposed developing national standards for quantum communication technologies and the quantum Internet of Things.

Among the initiative participants are Russian Railways, Skoltech-based Competence Centers of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), the Technical Committee 194 for Cyber-Physical Systems (TK 194) and the Technical Committee 26 for Cryptographic Information Protection.

The first versions have already been developed for two standards in the field of quantum communications and four standards for quantum Internet of Things. In particular, the first draft of the quantum communications standard contains terms and definitions (for example, the concepts of quantum information, quantum bit (qubit), “quantum key distribution”, etc.). The second draft establishes “general provisions in the field of quantum communications, principles of information transmission through quantum channels, basic approaches to the construction of quantum communication networks and their use for quantum key distribution in secure communication networks”.

The creation of standards was prescribed by the roadmap for the development of quantum communications dated August 27, 2020, which is supervised by Russian Railways as part of the Digital Economy national program.

Public discussion of the draft documents will continue until September 30, 2022.

Original in Russian

Documents on the topic:

Draft Quantum Communication Technology Standard


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