MainMarket in Brief


Sber Prepares to Launch Two New Social Networks ― Chipz and Punch

July 18, 2022, 12:53 (UTC+3)|

SberEntertainment, a subsidiary of Sberbank, plans to launch two new social networks: Chipz, which is an analogue of TikTok for vertical videos, and Punch as a service for creating and promoting music.

Chipz will combine “a catalog of content, video editor and social network”. The service will have different templates (chips), which can be used together with the built-in library of music, movies and shows. It will also be possible to advertise and sell goods via the app. The developers plan to add the option of creating own user chips and mini-games. The company plans to release Chipz in September.

The second social network, Punch, will become a mobile studio for creating and promoting music. It will include a neural network that generates lyrics on the basis of a few words. The soft launch of the app took place on March 14.

Original in Russian






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