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Sberbank and AIRI Win International Contest NetHack Challenge for AI Training Project

December 13, 2021, 13:00 (UTC+3)|

Sberbank and the Institute of Artificial Intelligence AIRI became the best in teaching AI at the international competition NetHack Challenge.

They managed to build a hierarchy of skills that artificial intelligence must have to play NetHack (a role-playing computer game in the roguelike genre).

The training is based on both classical approaches to machine learning and modern methods of reinforcement learning. In total, about 500 people from 42 teams from all over the world took part in the competition.

Connect with

Mikhail Burtsev, the Director for Fundamental Research at the AIRI institute

NetHack is considered one of the most difficult games in the world, as there are many possible outcomes of events in it and there is no known strategy in advance, which brings it closer to the conditions of the real world.

Original (in Russian)








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