MainMarket in Brief


Sberbank and VK Group Could Sell Local Kitchen to St. Petersburg-Based Delivery Companies

April 20, 2022, 17:08 (UTC+3)|

O2O Holding (a joint venture between Sberbank and VK Group) is considering selling Local Kitchen, a food delivery service. It can be sold to 2 Berega, a delivery service from St. Petersburg. The deal will allow the company to enter the Moscow market. In total, three-four buyers have applied to buy Local Kitchen, and one of them is the Dostaevsky delivery service.

Local Kitchen was launched in 2017, it operates in Moscow and the Moscow region. In 2020, the company entered the express delivery segment.

Product cards

Local Kitchen

At the end of March 2022, it was reported that O2O Holding planned to sell Local Kitchen. Prior to that, it was also announced that the holding would sell the Citymobil service to People&People. The transaction is expected to be completed in Q2 2022.

Original (in Russian)






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