MainMarket in Brief


SearchInform: Most Russian Companies Use Simple Antivirus Software for Cyber Security

April 7, 2022, 17:00 (UTC+3)|

SearchInform’s survey of more than 900 Russian companies showed that their security software is ill-suited for dealing with current threats. In particular, 95% of the companies use only simple antivirus software.

Cryptographic software encryption is used by 47% of the surveyed companies, data leakage prevention systems are used by 36%, and 19% of companies use intrusion detection systems.

70% of companies in the commercial sector say that real business needs are the main reason for implementing cybersecurity software and contributing to its development. Another 32% mentioned regulatory requirements as one of the key reasons. 71% of the surveyed companies in the public sector allocate funds for cybersecurity to comply with the law. 31.5% of companies say they have a real need for data protection.

The experts of SearchInform said that “62% of companies allocate funds only for the renewal of license keys and technical support, but now new purchases and scaling of already implemented software are truly needed”. According to analysts, it will take time for companies to replace foreign products and solutions after the withdrawal of foreign companies from the Russian market.

Original (in Russian)


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