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Agency for Strategic Initiatives

Sensor-Tech Laboratory Presents Two More Neural Implants for Sense Organs

June 23, 2022, 13:33 (UTC+3)|

Sensor-Tech Laboratory developed Elvis brain implants, which will help restore perceptual functions of people suffering from hear loss and ease neurological disease cases.

Another implant for vision restauration was presented by the laboratory a year ago. After that, the animal testing began - the chip was implanted in a primate brain. The implant is currently undergoing the final stage of animal testing and is protected by two patents in Russia.

The laboratory says, the new hearing implant consists of two parts. The first one is a speech processor. The second one is implanted under the skin, while a thin electrode thread goes through the skull to the cochlea and stimulates the nerve endings that send signals to the brain.

The neurological diseases correction implant also consists of two parts. 13 electrodes are inserted into the subcortical structures and connected to a neurostimulator in the patient’s chest. The developers say, the neurostimulator is programmed individually for each patient and makes it possible to set the parameters of brain stimulation depending on the disease.

Original in Russian






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