MainMarket in Brief


Skolkovo Ventures sold its stake in Elementaree food delivery service to the head of Rusagro

February 17, 2021, 13:54 (UTC+3)|

Skolkovo Ventures sold its stake in Elementaree food and recipe delivery service. The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

Maxim Basov, General Director of Rusagro, became the new owner and now his stake will exceed 15%. He will become the second largest shareholder of Elementaree after Olga Zinovieva, company's founder.

Earlier, Basov acquired 5% of the service from the first investor of the project, American financier Lawrence Lepard, and became a member of the company's board of directors.

According to Infoline, at the end of 2020, Elementaree ranked fourth among ready-to-eat food delivery services with a turnover of 900 million rubles (equivalent to $12.1 million), writes.

Original (in Russian)






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