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Bank of Russia

The Central Bank revealed the list of the banks for digital ruble testing

June 30, 2021, 10:21 (UTC+3)|

The Bank of Russia announced that 12 banks would take part in the pilot project for testing the digital ruble. Among these banks are Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Dom.RF Bank and Rosbank.

The prototype platform for the digital ruble will be completed in December, and testing will begin in January 2022. It will take place in several stages over the year. According to the information on the website of the regulating agency, based on the testing results, a roadmap for the implementation of the digital ruble will be prepared.

During the first stage, it is planned to test the emission of the digital ruble and other operations, which were not specified in the announcement.

In October last year it was announced that the Central Bank was considering the possibility of issuing the digital ruble. After public discussions, in early April, the regulator presented the concept of the new form of currency.

Original (in Russian)


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