MainMarket in Brief


The First Transaction with Digital Financial Assets to Be Performed on Sber’s Platform within a Month

June 15, 2022, 16:30 (UTC+3)|

According to Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of Board of Sberbank, the first transaction involving digital financial assets will take place within a month on the platform of Sber.

The platform has passed acceptance tests. In the middle of March, Sberbank was included in the register of information system operators that issue digital financial assets.

“We are monitoring the development of new technologies, including distributed ledgers, and studying how blockchain technologies are developing. Currently, there are many projects based on them, and Sber, of course, also has such projects,” Popov explained.

Today it has also been announced that the company had launched a new service for settlements between counterparties on a blockchain platform, which allows to use smart contracts to conclude transactions.

Original in Russian








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