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The Ministry of Digital Development released the application “Gosuslugi. Covid tracker"

November 24, 2020, 13:59 (UTC+3)|

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation launched the application “Gosuslugi. Covid Tracker” (App Store, Google Play) to track contacts with coronavirus patients all around Russia.

Users diagnosed with COVID-19 must independently report this anonymously through the application. In turn, users with whom this person was close in the last 14 days will receive a notification with the date of possible contact. In this case, the patient's data is not transmitted or displayed.

It is needed to warn users if someone who was with them was diagnosed with coronavirus.The app uses Exposure notification technology developed by Apple and Google.With the help of Bluetooth, it allows you to fix the devices of other users, exchanging random keys with them.

Original (in Russian)


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