MainMarket in Brief


U.S. Department of Treasury Removes Telecom and Internet Equipment from the List of Sanctions Against Russia

April 8, 2022, 13:51 (UTC+3)|

The U.S. Department of Treasury has decided to remove telecommunications and Internet equipment from the sanctions against Russia, according to the official document.

Officials from the Department clarified that “the exportation or reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States or by U.S. persons, wherever located, to the Russian Federation of services, software, hardware, or technology incident to the exchange of communications over the internet, such as instant messaging, videoconferencing, chat and email, social networking, sharing of photos, movies, and documents, web browsing, blogging, web hosting, and domain name registration services, that is prohibited by the RuHSR, is authorized.”

Original (in Russian)




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