MainMarket in Brief


VK to Launch a Marketplace for NFT Tokens

May 13, 2022, 15:11 (UTC+3)|

VK plans to launch a platform for selling and buying NFT tokens. Platform users will also be able to create stickers and other user-generated content. The platform will be launched "relatively soon".

Experts of the company say that they intend to work with all blockchain platforms that are ready to provide their interface for placing NFT tokens, and thus allow users to choose between different blockchains.

Alexander Tobol, VKontakte CTO, says: “in general, we are moving towards metaverses. We see it a little differently. We have started with NFT, with the protection of copyright content and the monetization of copyright content, and we believe that VKontakte should become the main service and provider with access to NFT in Russia and the CIS countries. We would like to be a kind of marketplace that allows users to choose between different blockchains.”

Original in Russian










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