At the beginning of August, X5 Retail Group, leading multi-format retailer in Russia, completed the testing of smart waste bins, which are now being put into commercial operation. The company plans to use the same sensors - the ones that were installed in smart waste bins - at its other facilities, TAdviser reports.
Smart waste bins were developed by GoodWAN, which introduces the sensors that indicate the filling level, record the time when the bin is completely filled and when it is emptied and sends signals when the temperature in the bin rises.
The representatives of X5 explain, that the information from sensors is transmitted over a radio channel in the license-free 868 MHz band. The data collection system generates reports and provides data on the fill level and the maintenance of bins, and also shows the updated information on the map.
It is also reported that GoodWAN developed a new version of the sensor based on an ultra-high frequency radar, which shows fill level in percentage. The system uses the information about the waste bins volume and automatically calculates the amount of trash removed.
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