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Yandex Creates Separate Business Group for Kinopoisk, Music, Plus and Fintech Services

June 24, 2022, 16:02 (UTC+3)|

Yandex created a separate group for Kinopoisk and other fintech media services. The group also includes Music, Afisha, and the Plus subscription. Yandex says that “the services have similar business solutions and common objectives: these services hold core Yandex services together using end-to-end scenarios”.

The integration will help experts develop the services on a centralized basis. CEO of Yandex Artyom Savinovsky has been appointed head of the new group, and will hold both positions. Dmitriy Pirogov will become the head of fintech services.

In addition to the said group, Yandex has already created the Search, Advertising and Cloud Services business group and the E-commerce and Ridetech group.

Original in Russian






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