MainInsights & AnalyticsMonitoring of international smart practices in the first half of 2021

Monitoring of international smart practices in the first half of 2021


Analysts of the Department of Prospective Projects of the Moscow Department of Information technology (DIT) presented the monitoring of international smart practices for the first half of 2021.

Moscow and Seoul are the leaders among 27 cities in terms of implementation of smart solutions in the city. Beijing is in third place. Among the selected 204 projects, 11 focus areas were highlighted, the dominant areas were the ‘Digital Government’ services, including the city portal updates and upgrades.

Projects for mobility are actively developing: intelligent transport systems and smart parking are being introduced. The development of electric transport infrastructure is one of the key mobility tasks that cities set themselves.

Cities are implementing various instruments for environmental control, expanding the use of alternative energy sources, and promoting programs to reduce CO2 emissions to achieve sustainable development goals.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the development of healthcare technology. The introduction of innovative solutions to combat coronavirus infection has become the main driver for the growth of the healthcare market. The development of telemedicine and the introduction of new technology services help to provide qualified care in hard-to-reach areas and improve the control of chronic diseases.

The new services are focused on collecting and analyzing information about the health of patients - data about their health will be sent to the doctor using a system of wearable devices.

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Latest update:01.27.2022


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