MainInsights & AnalyticsThe dynamics of emergence of new software companies in Russia

The dynamics of emergence of new software companies in Russia


According to the study conducted by RUSSOFT, over the past 5 years, a little more than 100 stable enterprises engaged in software development appeared in Russia every year.

The emergence of new software companies was most active in 2006-2010. During this period, an average of 209 enterprises were established every year.

The boom of startups in software development continued until 2011 (in 2011, approximately 220 companies were established). Then the number of new companies began to decline: in 2012-2016, the average number of new companies was 155, and over the last 5 years it has decreased even more - to 100 companies.

The data were obtained based on the analysis of questionnaires of 622 companies surveyed by RUSSOFT as part of the annual survey from 2016 to 2021. A total of 4200 enterprises specializing in software development operate in Russia.

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Latest update:08.02.2021


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