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Smart Help Desk for robotizing customer and employee support using AI


The platform automates the processing of first-line support calls through direct responses from the chatbot to employees, and increases the operation speed of the second-line support through issuing recommendations to experts.

AutoFAQ can automatically solve and recognize 30-70% of incoming requests, depending on the use case. The system connects to various communication channels, including mail and instant messengers. The client can customize the knowledge base and the degree of automation without calling IT specialists, he only needs an Excel file with questions and answers.

The solution includes a platform with integration into communication channels (a widget for the website, messengers, social networks), a workplace of an operator or a responsible employee, a semantic core that analyzes the semantic content of the request, a designer of business scenarios, a system of knowledge bases storage and management.

The solution is used by Skolkovo Foundation, SkyEng, “585 zolotoy”, PwC, Raiffeisenbank, Alfa Bank, CROC, Rostelecom, 1C, Megafon, Dixy and M.Video.





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Project launched:




437Latest update:09.11.2020

Unless otherwise stated, the content is available under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license

Supported by the Moscow Government