Medical decision support system
An intelligent system based on expert knowledge and the study of the medical histories of numerous patients. The system is designed to assist neurologists in diagnosing, predicting the development of the disease and developing a treatment plan for patients with epilepsy.
In addition, the system can be used to obtain a second opinion at consultations on complex cases. The system is used to diagnose such complex cases of childhood epilepsy that do not fit into the usual schemes and protocols.
All information about the patient is recorded in the database and used in the process of issuing recommendations to the attending physician upon request or based on any acute or pre-acute manifestations in patients. The attending physician does not have to remember all the nuances about a particular patient as all data is kept in the system.
The system diagnoses simple and complex cases in the field of epileptology, recognizes manifestations of side effects from medications taken, offers recommendations on patient treatment plans, and provides additional training based on patient histories and lives.
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Supported by the Moscow Government
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