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Semantic MDM

Corporate system of normative-reference information management for industrial enterprises


Semantic MDM is a platform for creating a unified space of reference data at an industrial enterprise. It provides the maintenance and support of corporate directories and classifiers of means of production, materials, goods, jobs, as well as knowledge about the rules of interaction of material and technical objects.

Semantic MDM can be used as a stand-alone application - a cloud-based smart storage of reference data with basic content and as a supplier of NRI to external applications - CAD, PDM, ERP, etc. The system supports NRI business management processes: data input, normalization, synchronization, quality control, including maintenance of history of changes and data usage. Allows to store data in various DBMSs: Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL.

Semantic MDM is an integral part of the automation set of design and technological preparation of production. The system can also be deployed as a Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud service.

The system is included in the unified register of Russian software

The developer of the solution is SDI Solution company, a resident of the Skolkovo Fund.

384Latest update:06.04.2020

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Supported by the Moscow Government