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Remote resources accounting and management of electricity and water supply meters


Automation is made possible by using meters with built-in radio modems or by connecting modems to already installed meters. This equipment uses its specialized interface to read the data of the meter and fixes it. Every subscriber has his own account that allows him to receive the required information at any moment.

The controlling person receives access to the data of all accounting points in the format of a general table or separate analytics convenient for export to other programs.

The system runs on the basis of wireless technologies for IoT, using the energy efficient technology LPWAN (Low-power Wide-area Network) for transferring small amounts of data – up to 255 byte, from hundreds of thousands of different meters over the distance of 50 kilometers over a radio channel.

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678Latest update:12.27.2018

Unless otherwise stated, the content is available under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license

Supported by the Moscow Government