MainMarket in Brief


Beeline and Sechenov University Announce Creating an AI-Based Digital Lab for Medical Research

October 12, 2021, 13:34 (UTC+3)|

Russian telecom operator Beeline and Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University signed and agreement for creating a digital laboratory for medical research based on artificial intelligence.

The agreement implies joint work of the parties in the field of creating new medical technologies based on artificial intelligence techniques, as well as the implementation of the results of cooperation in the Russian healthcare system.

It is planned to involve young researchers in laboratory work to master the methods of analyzing diseases and their timely detection.

Earlier it was reported about the cooperation of the parties, within the framework of which it was supposed to exchange technologies, develop and jointly promote solutions in the field of creating a telecom infrastructure, data processing centers, software for information and analytical systems, and control systems.

Original (in Russian)


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