MainMarket in Brief


Companies Observe Growth of Online Education Market in Mobile Segment

August 29, 2022, 16:14 (UTC+3)|

Mobile operators and EdTech representatives observe the growth of online education market from January to August 2022. According to MTS, the number of mobile users of sites and applications for online education increased by quarter during this period, the number of purchases in this category increased fivefold, and the average purchase amount doubled.

MegaFon says, from January to mid-August, mobile Internet traffic in online services for training IT specialists grew by 87% compared to the same period in 2021.

According to Tele2, the mobile audience on the platforms during this period was distributed as follows - Geekbrains ― 27%, Skillbox ― 26%, Netology ― 20%, Stepik ― 13%, Yandex.Practicum ― 12%.

Skillbox reported a 10% increase in the average purchase amount in 2022 compared to 2021. Traffic fluctuations of 10% yoy were observed on desktops in January-August, mobile traffic remained unchanged.

Yandex.Practicum reported an increase in the number of purchases of its courses by 50% since the beginning of the year compared to last year. The average purchase size on the platform from February to August grew by 30% yoy.

The Skolkovo Foundation EdTech cluster representatives say that in January-August the online education market grew by 3-15%, but the growth rate slowed down - earlier it was about 25-40%.

In the first quarter of the year, the revenue of the top 100 EdTech companies in Russia amounted to 21.7 billion rubles (354.8 million dollars), according to At the end of last year, the overall revenue of the top 100 EdTech companies amounted to 73 billion rubles (1.2 billion dollars), according to Smart Ranking.

Original in Russian


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