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Data Magazine Names Top 46 Russian Big Data Companies

August 27, 2021, 16:44 (UTC+3)|

Data Magazine has released a list of 46 best Russian Big Data companies. According to the magazine, these startups and large tech companies “are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Big Data industry, but are all exceptional companies well worth a follow”.

The compilers ranked Yandex first as a multinational tech company. The top five companies also included:

  • CarPrice, the leading Russian online used car broker and auctioneer, being the first to develop a C2B2B business model;
  • AI startup Webiomed, which provides an AI-powered predictive healthcare analytics solution;
  • medtech startup MedFrame, which processes medical data to create machine learning algorithms;
  • Metacommerce, a SaaS platform that collects and analyzes omnichannel data about prices, assortments, product availability and marketing actions.

Product cards

CarPrice, MedFrame, Metacommerce

The rating of top 46 Russian companies in the field of big data was compiled by the British edition of Data Magazine on the basis of data collected in Crunchbase and SemRush. It selects large companies, small companies and startups based on such criteria as innovation, growth, management and social impact.

Original (in Russian)


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