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Distributed Ledger Systems

Distributed Ledger Technology Сompany Presented Roadmap for the Development of the Masterchain 2.0 Blockchain Platform

May 23, 2022, 14:34 (UTC+3)|

Distributed Ledger Technology Сompany has presented the roadmap for the development of the Masterchain 2.0 blockchain platform until the end of 2022. The platform is expected to be released in July.

One of the main technological updates is the switch to a new version of Ethereum/Quorum platform. The developers also plan to launch services for managing certificates for electronic signature, managing user permissions, monitoring the state of the blockchain network and preventing information security incidents. The company’s specialists also say that a technical support portal with guidelines for independent work on the platform will be launched in the summer.

In October the Masterchain 2.0 developer toolkit will become available on the platform, and by the end of the year the company plans to complete research to get a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

In 2023-2024, the developers plan to create user constructors for smart contracts, start using zero knowledge proof protocols and launch new services to simplify the development and operation of the platform.

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