MainMarket in Brief


I-Teco: Russia placed third in terms of the number of patent applications for blockchain technologies

February 17, 2021, 17:00 (UTC+3)|

Russia is placed third in terms of the number of patent applications filed in the period from 2017 to 2020 on blockchain technology in finance and logistics areas. 

The USA and China are the leading countries in the number of developments in these areas and the number of patent applications. The largest number of patent families are owned by Alibaba Group Holding LTD (China), Alibaba Group Service LTD (Hong Kong), Alipay Lab Singapore PTE LTD (Singapore), SAP SE (Germany).

The blockchain patent landscape was developed by the Skolkovo Intellectual Property Center. Based on the analysis results, 357 patent families were identified in the financial and logistics areas for the period 2006-2020.


Natalia Dybko, Deputy General Director of the I-Teco Innovation Center

Original (in Russian)


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