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Kaspersky Lab

One Third of SMEs in the World Worry About Corporate Data Protection on Employees' Personal Devices

October 21, 2021, 17:11 (UTC+3)|

Almost a third (31%) of small and medium-sized enterprises have questions about how to protect corporate data on employees' personal devices, according to the results of an international poll by Kaspersky Lab, in which more than 3.1 thousand heads of organizations with up to 250 employees, including 200 people in Russia, took part.

According to the study, 29% of companies experience difficulties in ensuring security due to the fact that one employee has several work devices, 27% believe that the problem is a lack of digital literacy of workers.

At the same time, every fourth company is faced with the fact that employees do not follow the rules of information security (IS) when conducting correspondence by e-mail, and every fifth (22%) - with the fact that they do not always use their own separate username and password for login to the system.

According to Andrey Dankevich, an expert on cyber protection for small and medium-sized businesses, Kaspersky Lab, “not only targeted attacks threaten businesses, but very often infection occurs due to mass mailings of malware aimed at random victims. And since usually small companies are less protected than corporations, this makes them an easy target. ”

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Andrey Dankevich, cyber security expert for small and medium-sized businesses at Kaspersky Lab

Earlier Positive Technologies announced developing a new roadmap for a cybersecurity standard, which should become an open knowledge base and consolidate the IT community's practices in countering cyberattacks.

Original (in Russian)


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