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Report of the UN Conference: Russia took 41st place among 152 countries for the development of online commerce

February 17, 2021, 12:49 (UTC+3)|

Russia took 41st place among 152 countries in the world in terms of the development of online commerce, gaining 76.6 points. This is evidenced by data from the report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Online Commerce (UNCTAD).

The rating was compiled based on the B2C E-commerce Index. It included four indicators that are directly related to online shopping: 

  • proportion of residents with mobile payment accounts;
  •  the share of Internet users in the structure of the population;
  • reliability of mail;
  • availability of secure internet servers.

Each indicator was assessed on a 100-point scale, and the arithmetic mean of four indicators was the final index.

Last year, Russia was ranked 40th in the ranking. This year Switzerland took the first place (95.9 points), the second - the Netherlands (95.8 points). Denmark closed the top three (94.5 points).

The UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2020

Original (in Russian)


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