MainMarket in Brief


Research: 70% of companies using AI say technology is effective

December 1, 2020, 16:00 (UTC+3)|

Rostelecom and the TAdviser analytical center studied the effects of implementing solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) in Russian companies.According to experts, 70% of companies that use or pilot AI technologies in 2020 are already receiving financial benefits. The cumulative effect from the introduction of the technology in 2019 for 62 organisations amounted to 60 billion rubles. More than 90% of respondents expect the financial results to be maintained or increased from AI solutions at the end of 2020.

In general, artificial intelligence technologies are already being implemented or tested in 85% of companies. First of all, solutions using such technologies are used to optimise internal business processes.

Chatbots, personalised offering and speech analytics are the most commonly used solutions in the mainstream (B2C) segment. The B2B segment primarily uses predictive maintenance technologies, decision assistants for production operators and unmanned vehicles, including aircraft.The study involved 100 Russian companies from key industries.Effects of implementing solutions based on artificial intelligence in Russian companies research (in Russian)

Original (in Russian)


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