MainMarket in Brief


Research: most Russian companies increased expenditures for CRM systems after self-isolation

October 5, 2020, 10:03 (UTC+3)|

According to the survey conducted by Megaplan, a corporate CRM system, after the end of the self-isolation regime in Russia most of the expenses of entrepreneurs were related to software. 32% of respondents claim that they have increased the expenditures for CRM systems. Cloud infrastructures were ranked second in terms of popularity (18%), followed by company websites (16.3%). Least popular were chat bots (5.8% of respondents invested in them), digital marketing (6.4%) and machine learning (8.7%), RBC reports.

In general, 61.6% of entrepreneurs who participated in the survey began to spend more on IT equipment. 5% of the survey participants stated that these costs had been reduced, and 3.9% decided to stop using these tools for reasons of economy.

The survey was conducted by sending the questionnaire to the entrepreneurs and leaders of small and medium-sized businesses from the database. 1284 people took part in the survey.

Original (in Russian)






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