MainMarket in Brief


Skoltech to Bring Part of 5G Base Stations into Commercial Operation this Year

September 14, 2022, 15:06 (UTC+3)|

Skoltech plans to put several 5G base stations with their firmware into commercial operation by the end of the year. They will be operating in the network of one of the operators.

According to Dmitry Lakontsev, head of wireless communications and IoT area of the Skoltech-based NTI Center of Competence, this is the only domestic software solution for base stations. The solution is also compliant with OpenRAN standards.

Skoltech together with MTS, MegaFon, beeline and the Open Net Technologies Association have already completed the first stage of the laboratory testing of the station. During the tests, the download speed was more than 1 Gbps. The 5G base station operated by the software developed by Skoltech was implemented on a hardware platform that consists of servers based on Intel processors. The Foxconn’s solution for 4.8-4.99 GHz band was used as a transceiver. The Russian analogues of this equipment are being developed and will become available on the market in the near future.

Original in Russian








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