MainMarket in Brief


Yadro Group Acquires Data Storage Software Developer Raidix

September 6, 2022, 13:36 (UTC+3)|

Yadro group (part of X-Holding) acquired 100% of Raidix LLC, which develops software for data storage system optimization.

Yadro did not announce the deal value, but the acquisition was called “an important step in implementing the strategy to enter new segments of the storage market”. According to experts, 100% of Raidix could cost 500-600 million rubles (≈ 8.1-9.8 million dollars).

According to Leonid Goldenberg, the co-owner of Sistematika, Yadro acquires Raidix to get a team of specialists and ready-made technologies; the development and implementation of these technologies from scratch would take up to three years. “Raidix has developed software that distributes the load on the storage system and increases the speed of data loading/uploading, and there is a niche for the solutions” the expert explains.

Original in Russian


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