MainInsights & Analytics16-th Annual Survey of the Software Development Industry of Russia

16-th Annual Survey of the Software Development Industry of Russia


In February-April 2019, Association of Russian software enterprises, Russoft surveyed 175 market players. Additionally, they have studied various sources of information and received expert assessments from dozens of directors of software developer companies.

2018 was marked by a significant growth of sales of Russian software industry on the Russian IT market, particularly of software development services. An important factor which had an impact on the growth of the domestic market was a real digital transformation process deeply felt by Russian economy. The volume of foreign sales of software and of software development services of Russian companies grew by 10% and reached $9.7 billion. The cumulative volume of sales in Russia and abroad in ruble terms increased by 19% almost up to 1 trillion, and in dollar terms increased by 10.6% up to $15.8 billion.  Service companies hold positions on the list of the 100 top service companies in the world. Russian software vendors continued to strengthen their position in «Gartner magic quadrants», and the success of our companies in the information security sphere should be particularly noted.

Key findings: 

  • The volume of Russian IT market in ruble terms in 2018 increased by 18.7% (and taking inflation into account - by 13.8%).
  • Results of the 2019 survey showed a greater number of companies which plan to return to western markets or for the first time come therein in the next two years.
  • At the end of 2018 in Russia there were at least 540 thousand professionals directly involved in the software development process (in software companies or in IT departments of different categories of companies). A yearly increment of such employees was 7.8%. Approximately the same growth rates (by 7-8%) were also observed over 2 previous years.
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Latest update:12.16.2020


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