MainInsights & AnalyticsCybersecurity for Connected Cars: Exploring Risks in 5G, Cloud, and other connected technologies

Cybersecurity for Connected Cars: Exploring Risks in 5G, Cloud, and other connected technologies


Trend Micro Incorporated presented research findings on the safety of connected vehicles. Several scenarios are described in which drivers may face attacks that threaten their safety and the safety of those around them.

Researchers evaluated 29 real-life attack scenarios according to the DREAD threat model, which allows for qualitative risk analysis. Such attacks can be launched remotely against and/or from the victim vehicles:

  • Launching DDoS attacks on an ITS infrastructure so that it fails to respond to requests
  • Spoofing V2X messages being broadcast to the ecosystem
  • Passively sniffing V2X messages being broadcast to the ecosystem

Of the 29 identified attacks on connected cars, about 66% are medium-risk, about 17% are low-risk, and another approximate 17% are high-risk.More than 125 million passenger cars with embedded connectivity are forecasted to ship worldwide between 2018 and 2022, and the annual production of semi- and fully autonomous vehicles are expected to reach more than 14 million by 2025.

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Latest update:04.14.2021


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