MY.GAMES, global gaming brand launched by Group, conducted a study titled “Portrait of a Russian Gamer 2019” among players passionate about mobile, desktop, or console games, and evaluated the Russian gaming market for 2019. The survey created a profile of the Russian gaming audience in general and for each market segment separately.

Key findings: 

  • The volume of the Russian video game market in 2019 increased by 14% year-on-year and amounted to 120.4 bln rubles.
  • Mobile games were the main driver of growth in 2019 (+49% to 48.1 bln rubles) and almost caught up in volume with free games on PC amid slowing growth of the latter (+5% to 49.1 bln rubles).
  • The study polled over 1,500 people aged from 15 to 44 years. Among them, 85% played mobile games at least once a month, 82% - PC games, and 19% - console games.
  • Among all Russian players, 85% played mobile games once a month. The audience for mobile games is equally distributed between men and women. Compared to 2017, in 2019 players of both sexes were much more likely to use entertainment apps on smartphones and tablets: more than half of respondents said they play every day.
  • In regards to PC games, male gamers constituted the majority among the players who prefer desktop games - their share reached 58%. Compared to 2017, gamers of both sexes played computer games more often: almost 40% of respondents said they play every day.
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Latest update:12.16.2020


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