IT Department of Moscow Government have analysed a labor market for ICT specialists in Moscow and presented their findings in September 2020. Their analysis showed that job openings for specialists in information technology and communications in Moscow account for 20% of all job vacancies in September 2020 (according to online recruitment platform

  • More than 6.5 thousand current job openings are available for programmers in Moscow - almost one third (27%) of all ICT vacancies in the city. Over the year, since September 2019, the number of vacancies for programmers has grown by 14%.
  • Programmers are among the most demanded and highly paid specialists in the labor market in the capital; they are in high demand in all sectors of economy. The job openings for programmers are distributed by industry in the following way: 45% of job vacancies in IT and telecom companies, 14%  - in the financial sector, 9% - at retail trade enterprises, 7% - in companies providing business services and the rest - in other economic sectors.
  • The in-demand programming jobs on the labor market in Moscow in September 2020 are Java, 1C, PHP, C#, Javascript programmers and software engineers. The first three remain among the leaders for the third year in a row.
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Latest update:12.16.2020


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