Alex Staff Agency, a staff agency specialising in the international recruitment of IT specialists, has analyzed the IT vacancy market and prepared a report about the most in-demand skills worldwide.

The most in-demand hard skills 2019/20:

  • Cloud computing (AWS , that is used by many companies for its convenience and reliability is in priority) At the international website there are around 42 000 vacancies for Cloud Engineers (globally) – and every year this number will only keep increasing due to growing popularity of the cloud computing.
  • AI (neural networks, computerized learning and everything, connected with artificial intelligence) – it has already changed the business in financial, computer and production area. Implementation of AI allows to create millions of working positions every year. In order to prevent computers replacing you, you have to be the one to program it. Special place is dedicated to the natural language processing technologies. If you can teach the machines to understand people then you can rule the world.
  • UX (user experience analysis, scenario analysis, need anticipation) – it becomes more and more complicated to pack complex IT-technologies in user-friendly and applicable product due to the increasing complexity of the products themselves. There are open position for UX-designers in 25 000 companies all over the world according to Glassdoor.
  • Mobile development (Android, iOS). We are moving to the smartphone world. Availability of the product at mobile platform means capability to reach the customer as fast as possible. It means that the amount of the mobile development will keep increasing. Currently there are more open vacancies for Android (53 000) than for iOS (22 000).
  • Data Science (collection, processing, calculation and analytics for bid data) – every 2 years the information volume doubles. Large corporations and smaller companies chase data in order to analyze the people's needs and create the most in-demand product the first. As well as analytical skills, specialists need to have technical ones – in different projects it may be Python, or SMACK – stack (Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka).
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Latest update:10.28.2020


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