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Application for performing inspections according to specified scenarios


ViewApp allows viewing with photo and video recording according to a predetermined algorithm and filling out accompanying forms.

The application fixes the date, time and geolocation in which the photo or video was taken. The inspection scheme (the composition of the form and the set of shooting steps) depends on the task for which the application is used.

Fields of application: insurance - inspection of a car before issuing a CASCO policy, in case of an accident, to receive insurance payments and in other cases, real estate - pre-insurance inspection of real estate, country houses, cottages and other buildings, car pawnshops - inspection of a car acting as collateral, upon conclusion contracts and issuance of funds, merchandising - regular inspection of goods presented on the shelves in retail chains.

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199Latest update:11.15.2021

Unless otherwise stated, the content is available under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license

Supported by the Moscow Government