MainMarket in Brief


GLONASS and Polimed to Create a Telemedicine Platform

May 17, 2022, 09:16 (UTC+3)|

GLONASS and medical company Polimed will create GLONASS Zabota (GLONASS Care) — a telemedicine platform based on the state information system ERA GLONASS. It will be developed on the basis of Russian technology solutions and software. Specialists of GLONASS will be developing the software.

Online consultations with medical specialists and laboratory test results will be available in the new digital service; users will also be able to order medicines using the platform. Medical test results will be uploaded to the Unified State Healthcare Information System.

Specialists engaged in the project will also use a transport monitoring system that will optimize the routes of mobile laboratories and control conditions for transportation of biomaterials.

The project launch date is not yet known. “Creation and release dates will be determined during the execution of the project, which is currently in progress,” the experts of GLONASS explained.

Original in Russian


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