MTS, using Huawei equipment, has launched the country's first 5G user pilot network in the 4.9 GHz band in 14 locations in Moscow. The company's subscribers using 5G-compatible smartphones will be able to connect to 5G Internet at speeds up to 1.5 Gbps, according to company's press release.
However, independent connection to pilot zones is not yet available for a wide range of users. MTS clarifies that the selection of participants in the pilot project using smartphones with support for the n79 range will be carried out automatically based on an impersonal analysis of data on their movement, proximity to pilot locations, service consumption profile and Internet traffic. Such subscribers will receive an SMS with an invitation to connect to the pilot network. The use of data traffic in the pilot network will not be charged and limited in volume and speed.
Representatives of MTS said that the number of 5G zones and coverage will increase over time, but the terms of expansion are not specified.
The 5G pilot network is currently available in the following locations:
At the end of February, MTS, together with Skoltech, expanded the 5G coverage in Skolkovo, deploying a pilot network for the International Medical Cluster (MMK). At the first stage, a round-the-clock HD video surveillance service for construction work using video cameras will be implemented over 5G network. After that, indoor 5G coverage will be deployed in the premises of the MMK for the implementation of various services and cases in the field of telemedicine.
Alexey Kornya, President of MTS
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