According to Kearney, Russians’ spending on communications and online services may grow by 31%. In absolute terms, this will be equivalent to an increase of around €7 per subscriber a month.
According to a survey of 16 thousand people in 28 countries of the world, conducted by Kearney in the Q4 2019 and the Q1 2020, Russian subscribers spent about €21 per month on these services (two-thirds on communications). Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, consumers spend on the same almost twice as much - €40 per month, and in Western Europe - €94.
Kearney has developed an index of consumer connectivity, where Russia only ranked 17th, which indicates potential for growth. The index takes into account the local price levels, consumer income and costs of digital services, including fixed and mobile communications, pay TV, media content and digital entertainment, as well as the costs of connected devices (voice assistants, smart home, video surveillance, etc.).
Analysts believe that the most promising areas for revenue growth in Russia are entertainment services, the cost of which in Russia can potentially grow by 48% - from the current €6 to €8.9.
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