MainMarket in Brief


Research: the Russian data storage market grew by 38% in the first quarter

June 29, 2020, 14:02 (UTC+3)|

According to IDC estimates, from January to March, external storage systems were delivered to the Russian market for a total of $99.64 million, which is 37.9% more than in the first quarter of 2019. The leaders were Yadro and Huawei, with shares of 18.6% and 18.4%, in monetary terms. Yadro also took the leading position in the volume of storage delivered, with a share of 64.7%.

Experts note that during this period there was a stable demand from the corporate segment, while the storage market showed significant growth in both capacity and monetary terms.

IDC: results of the first quarter of 2020 on the Russian data storage market →




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