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Tech in Moscow

Tech in Moscow #36

January 18, 2022, 12:35 (UTC+3)|

Top tech stories from Moscow (December 13 — January 14)


Main news about Moscow's projects, developers, technologies

5G Test Site Launched on the Basis of Botkin Hospital in Moscow


The first 5G industrial test site began operating on the basis of the Botkin Hospital in Moscow. Its infrastructure is deployed in the millimeter wavelength range. The project includes healthcare technologies and services for which high speed of collection, processing and transmission of large amounts of data is important.

“We are interested in the possibilities of using augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technologies in surgery, ensuring fast transfer of volumetric files obtained during instrumental studies between organizations and other areas that can improve the quality of medical care in the city,” explained Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow r Social Development.

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What Awards Did Moscow Receive in 2021 in the Field of Technology and Digitalization?


In 2021, Moscow has received several awards in the field of technology and digitalization. So, at the end of 2021, the capital received the Runet Prize. Among the laureates are the digital ecosystem of Moscow and the Russpass travel service.

In November, Moscow took first place in the ESG Governance category of the European Cities of the Future: ESG Innovation Index. The compilers of the rating assessed the city's higher education system, the introduction of innovations in various spheres of life and acceleration programs for startups in Moscow.

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Other stories:

  • Testing of Driverless Cars in Moscow May Start in February 2022
  • MTS Announces Conducted Uplink Aggregation Tests on 5G Virtual Infrastructure
  • Telegram Bypasses WhatsApp in Terms of Mobile Traffic Growth in Moscow
  • CODD Digitizes More than 6 Thousand km of Moscow Streets
  • Technopolis Moscow Tops the National Rating of SEZ Investment Attractiveness
  • Moscow Tests MultiTransport Service
  • Moscow to Launch a Pilot Project for Purchases Using FacePay
  • University Quantum Network Launched in Moscow
  • Ericsson Considers Opening its own Plant of 5G Base Stations in Russia
  • Sberbank and AIRI Win International Contest NetHack Challenge for AI Training Project
  • Foreign Сompanies Invest over $15 billion in Russian Technology Parks
  • Russia Named World's 11th Country by the Number of Technology Patents in 2021


State Duma Adopts a Bill on Biometric Data

Russian Regulator to Expand the Range for 5G Networks in Million-Plus Cities

FAS to Assess Marketplaces Regarding Fair Access

Russia Plans to Enter Global Market of Quantum Technologies by 2030

Real Estate Digital Services to be Connected to the State Rental Accounting Platform

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  • Yandex Closes the Deal to Buy a Share of Uber in its Services
  • Kismet Capital Group Acquires 100% of Russian Towers
  • Rostec and ER-Telecom Buy out a Controlling Stake in Akado
  • Online School Kodland Raises $9 Million in Investment
  • Softline Acquires 85% of IT Academy
  • NUTSon Service Raises $6 Million for International Development
  • CarMoney Heads to IPO in 2022
  • MTS to Acquire Facial Recognition System Developer VisionLabs
  • Sberbank to Sell Part of its Ecosystem within Two Years
  • Positive Technologies Enters the Moscow Exchange

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Innovation Explained: a View on Current Innovative Processes

Source: Unsplash

Recent years have shown how important the role of innovation is becoming. Large corporations are rebuilding their businesses, and the world's megacities are actively testing and implementing new technologies in order to significantly improve the quality of life for people and open up new opportunities for them.

Metaverses, which should become the next platforms of the future both for companies and for actively developing cities, are among the hottest topics today. However, whether they will become a part of the global innovative process or a short-term trend is still an open question.

However, there is still no common understanding of what innovation is. Could a technology or its implementation be an innovation? What environment is favorable for innovative activity and what does it depend on?

ICT.Moscow discussed these issues with those who are engaged in innovations today and tried to figure out what defines innovative activity in the industry, how the COVID-19 pandemic affected it, and what direction it will develop further.

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researches, monitorings, reports and other analytics of Moscow and Russian IT market

The World Intellectual Property Organization has released a global innovation index containing the results of a comparative analysis of the innovation systems of 132 countries and their ranking by the level of innovative development.

The SCI focuses on centres in relation to their approach to and delivery of innovation and technology, including Science, Energy Systems, Machine Learning, Distributed Ledgers, and Fintech, along with other applications.

Doctor Web is drawing users’ attention to the need to observe protective measures. The library is used for logging in Java projects and is part of the Apache Logging Project. Vulnerabilities allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on the system and cause a Denial of Service or disclose confidential information.


a showcase of some Moscow-based smart city and GovTech solutions from Smart City Moscow special project.

An effective control tool in housing and communal services and landscaping, which ensures security in the city.

200 electronic services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are available on the official portal of the Moscow Mayor and Moscow Government.

The mobile app is a new dimension of comfort in edge-cutting technologies accelerating access to the public services enabling live consultations with city authorities.

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