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Tech in Moscow

Tech in Moscow #37

January 31, 2022, 11:38 (UTC+3)|

Top tech stories from Moscow (January 17 — 28)


Main news about Moscow's projects, developers, technologies

Rosatom to Present a Draft Roadmap for the Creation of a Quantum Internet in 2022


In 2022, Rosatom will present a draft of the second roadmap for the development of quantum computing.

The state corporation clarified that in the period from 2025 to 2030, the key tasks will be the creation of a common network of quantum computers in Russia. Later, on its basis, it is planned to create a “quantum Internet”. According to Ruslan Yunusov, head of the project office for quantum technologies at Rosatom, this network will speed up the performance of devices “by tens and hundreds of millions of times.”

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Other stories:

  • Rostelecom to Test 5G in the Metro of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan  
  • MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2 to Enter the Smart Electricity Metering Market 
  • Rosatom Plans to Launch a Virtual Operator  
  • Sberbank Named Best Bank in Europe for its Interbank Payment Services
  • Bosch Integrates the Solution from  Moscow-Based Video Analytics Developer Videointellect into the BVMS Security System
  • KORUS Consulting and Yandex.Cloud to Jointly Create Cloud Solutions for Global Companies


Russia to Develop a National Standard for Smart Homes

Ministry of Digital Development Considers Free Provision of Frequencies for 5G to Operators

AI Developers to Get Access to Departmental Databases with De-Identified Data

Telecom Operators to Combine Base Stations into a Single Network to Cover Federal LTE Routes by 2030

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  • X5 Group Announces 140% Digital Business Revenue Growth in 2021
  • Yandex Plans to Buy BandLink Service
  • Data Сenter Operator IXcellerate Raises $190 Million to Expand DPCs in Moscow
  • Moscow Accelerator's Alumni Raise over $12.9 Million
  • Data Сenter Operator IXcellerate Raises $190 Million to Expand DPCs in Moscow
  • Fura Service Attracts $7.6 Million in Investment

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Eyes of Metropolis: How the New Scenarios Appear in Video Analytics

In November 2021, analysts from the Innovation Laboratory of the IT Department of the Moscow Government have studied global practices in the use of video surveillance and video analytics systems. Among other things, they analyzed the various areas where such systems are used today and identified seven main application scenarios, that is, six more in addition to security (for which such systems have traditionally been deployed in cities).

The fact that video analytics systems are increasingly being used in the world to solve various problems is also indicated by other studies. According to IT company Surfshark, in 2020, more than half of all existing states (109 countries) have already used or approved facial recognition. In total, 194 states were studied by analysts.

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researches, monitorings, reports and other analytics of Moscow and Russian IT market

Innovation Lab of the IT Department of Moscow Government: Overview of international practices of video surveillance and video analytics →

SlickJump agency: Mobile Traffic's Share in Russian Internet is up 83% in 2021 →

MTS: Voice Traffic in Moscow Metro Grows by 21% over the Year →

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a showcase of some video analytics solutions

Comprehensive video analytics solution based on face recognition technology

Multi-object video analytics platform

Predictive analytics system

More solutions →


discover people who stand behind the innovative companies and projects in Moscow

Ruslan YunusovHead of the Project Office for Quantum Technologies, Rosatom State Corporation
Anton MironenkovManaging Director at X5 Technology
Pavel SazhinCEO of Videointellect
Anna PolyushkoHead of analytics at the Innovation Lab of the Moscow IT Department

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