The statistics digest of HSE presents the results of statistical surveys that characterize innovation processes in the country’s economy. The digest presents indicators that reflect the development of technological innovation, resource provision, staff potential and the effectiveness of innovation, including the level of novelty and sales markets for innovative products.

  • According to 2018 data, in the field of telecommunications and information technology, 9.5% of organizations carried out innovative activities.
  • Organizations’ own funds are spent to meet more than half (50.6%) of the costs of technology innovation. In industrial production, the costs covered by the companies funds are estimated at 65.9%; in the field of telecommunications and IT - 95.5%.
  • Organizations engaged in telecommunications and IT are strengthening their positions in innovative markets - in 2018 the production of products based on new and improved technologies exceeded the level of the previous year by 12.4% and amounted to 138.6 billion rubles ($1.8 billion).
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Latest update:01.15.2021


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