![Face Pay](https://static.ict.moscow/files/productcard/logo/mt_0_0.jpg)
Moscow passenger mobile application
The mobile application helps passengers get to a given point in Moscow, allowing them to calculate the travel time, the number of transfers and the total cost of the trip, as well as build multimodal routes taking into account all possible modes of transport (public transport, bicycles and a private car).
The application shows the movement and arrival time of public transport online and available options (the presence of Wi-Fi, air conditioning, accessibility for people with disabilities). Using the app, you can also top up your Troika card balance and purchase tickets for Aeroexpress and City Shuttle.
CODD Digitizes More than 6 Thousand km of Moscow Streets
Moscow Department of Transport
Intelligent System for Reducing Traffic Jams Edge Vision Introduced in Moscow
Moscow Transport Department
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Supported by the Moscow Government
Content and Editorial:tech@ict.moscow