MainMarket in Brief

Tech in Moscow

Tech in Moscow #24 (15 - 21 February 2021)

February 22, 2021, 10:30 (UTC+3)|

The weekly observer of Moscow's tech stories


  • Moscow entered the top of the most attractive cities for investors in the Global Cities of the Future ranking
  • An AI-based chatbot has been launched in Moscow clinics to interview patients before seeing a doctor
  • Glonass Mobile received a license of a virtual mobile operator (MVNO) and will be engaged in IoT services and technologies
  • MTS will install 5G-ready Huawei equipment instead of Nokia base stations in Moscow


Russia proposed to revise the Vienna Convention for the development of unmanned vehicles

The Ministry of Digital Development has prepared the second package of measures to support Russian IT companies

The Ministry of Transport proposed to massively introduce passenger identification systems at Russian airports

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  • Electric scooter rental service Whoosh raised $25,7 million for development of the sharing platform  (Card of Whoosh)
  • Sberbank bought Yo-Engineering, the developer of hybrid car Yo-mobile
  • British IXcellerate will invest over $500 million in the construction of a network of data centers in Moscow
  • The Russian network of data centers Selectel attracted more than $40 million through the placement of bonds on the Moscow Exchange (Card of Selectel)


researches, monitorings, reports and other analytics of Moscow and Russian IT market

  • I-Teco: Russia placed third in terms of the number of patent applications for blockchain technologies →
  • IDC: The smartphone market in Russia slowed rapidly in the Q4 2020, to stand at a total of 7.902 million units → 
  • Kaspersky Lab: the share of spam in email traffic amounted to 50.37%, down by 6.14 p.p. from 2019 →

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discover people who stand behind the innovative companies and projects in Moscow

Georgiy Vysotskiy, CEO of NetMonet | Facebook

Egor Bayandin, Co-Founder of Whoosh  | Facebook | Crunchbase

Andrey Vasilevskiy, Head of SberAutoTech | LinkedIn

Olga Zinovieva, CEO & Founder of Elementaree | Facebook | LinkedIn

Lev Leviev, Founder of Selectel | Facebook

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