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logo Electronic Services for Moscow Residents
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Electronic Services for Moscow Residents


Electronic services for Moscow residents are a set of public services on the mos.ru portal, which can be received without personally collecting additional documents and visiting the authorities. The system itself determines which department is responsible for resolving a particular issue and sends an application.

All services of the portal are available in the unified catalog of services. For the convenience of users, it is divided into two blocks — ‘For Residents’ and ‘For Business’. All services are divided into categories, for example, ‘Education’, ‘Health’, ‘Transport’, ‘Family, Children’ and others.

During the first six years, online services were provided on a separate portal — pgu.mos.ru. Then it was integrated into the mos.ru portal, a single resource where all the services that are important for residents are available online. It also publishes up-to-date information about the life of the city and provides detailed instructions on typical life situations.

The list of services available on the portal is constantly expanding. In 2021 new large-scale services were launched: booking an appointment with a notary, issuing a universal library card online, renting spaces, sports grounds, new services in the super-service for participants of the renovation program, submitting information about verification or replacement of water meters, submitting an application and ordering meals in an infant-feeding center.

key indicators:
  • The project was launched in 2011
  • More than 380 services are available online to users of the mos.ru portal
  • Muscovites have used the services of the resource more than 2.6 billion times
  • In 2021 services on mos.ru were used over 472 million times (65 million times more than a year earlier)
  • More than 14.9 million personal accounts have been registered on the mos.ru portal
  • 97.5% of Muscovites use the digital tools of the capital (Rosstat data)
  • Moscow was the first city in Russia to start providing public services online
  • According to the results of 2019, 2020 and 2021, Moscow ranks first in Russia in terms of the quality of providing public services in electronic form

The portal became the best project in the ‘State and Society’ nomination of the Runet Prize


Moscow ranked first in the index of e-services provision of the UN’s ranking


The portal became the best project in the ‘State and Society’ category of the Runet Prize


Moscow’s complex of digital solutions for combating the pandemic received the Runet Prize in the ‘Technologies vs Coronavirus’ nomination (the mos.ru portal was included in the award entry)

The project was awarded the ‘Beneficial Practice’ diploma of the review competition of the Assembly of Capitals and Major Cities of the EAEU ‘The City We Want to Live In’

The portal was shortlisted for The DADI Awards in the ‘Public Sector and Public Initiatives’ nomination


The mos.ru portal won the special prize of the Golden Site competition in the ‘Government Project Website’ nomination

The project was shortlisted for the Smart Cities Council Readiness Challenge

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Latest update:04.19.2023
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Supported by the Moscow Government