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logo ‘Moscow Public Services’ Mobile App
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‘Moscow Public Services’ Mobile App


Moscow Public Services is a city mobile app providing the most popular services of the mos.ru portal to residents.

For example, residents can find out what grades their child got and what he ate for lunch in the school canteen, schedule an appointment with a doctor, submit water and electricity meter readings, pay utility bills and traffic fines, and send an application to the united dispatch center using the app.

In 2021, the function of scanning a QR code confirming COVID-19 vaccinations, the options of logging into the app via mos.ru and topping up the Troika card were added, and now the app also supports MIR cards in Apple Pay.

key indicators:
  • Launch year: 2012
  • Since its launch, the Moscow Public Services app has been downloaded more than 8 million times
  • The number of active users is more than 2.3 million
  • Most of the users are residents of Moscow aged 25-54
Latest update:04.19.2023
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Supported by the Moscow Government