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logo ‘My Payments’ Service on mos.ru
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‘My Payments’ Service on mos.ru


'My Payments' is a payment service that automatically finds unpaid bills and allows to pay for municipal and commercial services and saves payment archives. To use the service, it is enough to fill in the details in the personal account on the mos.ru portal just once. The service is available not only in the web version, but also in the 'Moscow Public Services' and 'My Moscow' mobile apps.

Today about 2,000 service providers are connected to the service. With the help of 'My Payments' residents can pay for utilities and transport services, electricity, city and mobile communications, internet services, kindergartens, clubs and sports clubs, and pay for renting sports grounds and urban spaces in museums, libraries and cultural institutions.

Users can also pay tax debts using the service. The ‘Bill by Unique Identifier of Charges’ and ‘Vehicle Certificate’ widgets help users check their unpaid bills and fines and the unpaid bills of relatives and friends.

The service finds bills and shows them in the form of a list, and users can pay one or several bills at once. Users can save templates to pay frequently recurring bills, enable auto payments and adjust them in accordance with the schedule, balance or an invoice, and set up notifications.

key indicators:
  • Launch Date: September 2017
  • Users can pay for over 9,000 city, federal and commercial services using the service
  • In 2021, Moscow residents paid for services more than 14.7 million times using ‘My Payments’, of which about 8 million — on mos.ru and 6.7 million — through the ‘Moscow Public Services’ and ‘My Moscow’ mobile applications
  • Since the beginning of 2022, users of ‘My Payments’ have made more than 9.1 million payments on the mos.ru portal and in mobile apps
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Latest update:04.19.2023
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